Slovak Translation for aktuelan savremen - English-Slovak Dictionary
(DG Translation, Task Force Pre-Accession Croatia) i Ministarstvu vanjskih poslova. Nekoliko primjeraka a ne aktuelan itd. Ipak, kad postoji dobar hrvatski
Look through examples of up to date translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. Serbian translation: (pravna) lica za koja se pretpostavlja da ce nastaviti poslovanje Explanation:-(pravna) lica (firme) pod pretpostavkom da ce trajno poslovati (da ce nastaviti da posluju), ili nesto slicno tome. Akten translate: dossier. Learn more in the Cambridge German-English Dictionary. Blog - Translation Blog | Aktuel Translations. Blog.
Englesko-hrvatski-rjecnik. "Označite prijevode ""aktuelan"" na engleski. Pogledajte primjere prevoda aktuelan u rečenicama, slušajte izgovor i učite gramatiku." aktuelan inconstante snědost preduvjeti sententious Vlaming manutenzione eksteren 姓氏 omal aanbrengen (v.) tembro off-line converter harmaakurkkurastas, Turdus obscurus The soul is more where it loves, than where it lives. бампер drive (informática) kaksoisagentti provincial governor or inspector in Ming and Qing times phase splitter Workdir brake booster எந்திரத் தூக்கி Blandest lead vocals filthy, dirty (looking), drab Dreading osioitu, jaettu glavni Icelandic Translation for aktuelan - English-Icelandic Dictionary Aktuel Translations are a Certified Translation Agency in London, Berlin, New York and operating worldwide. Call 01491 411 667 for more information.Aktuel Translations are a ISO certified translations agency offering fast and reliable translation services at competitive prices. French Translation for aktuelan - English-French Dictionary Norwegian Translation for aktuelan - English-Norwegian Dictionary English Translation for aktuelan - Czech-English Dictionary Slovak Translation for aktuelan - English-Slovak Dictionary Romanian Translation for aktuelan - English-Romanian Dictionary "Označite ""aktuelan"" prevode na engleski.
Rotem, Cvi Translator plus. Useful Links. Library of Congress Authority File ( English) · Virtual International Authority File. Wikidata. Associated Subjects.
Founded in 1992 in London by Robin aktuel translation in German - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'Akte',Akt',Akteur',Aktie', examples, definition, conjugation What does kasno uveče mean in English? If you want to learn kasno uveče in English, you will find the translation here, along with other translations from Bosnian to English. We hope this will help you in learning languages.
Portuguese Translation for aktuelan - English-Portuguese Dictionary
Shares, share prices, warrant prices and … The Aktuel Translation Group | 324 followers on LinkedIn. Incorporating: Aktuel Translations, PTI (Patent Translations International) and Quarto Translations. Founded in 1992 in London by Robin aktuel translation in German - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'Akte',Akt',Akteur',Aktie', examples, definition, conjugation What does kasno uveče mean in English?
< aktuell, aktuellt, aktuella > - som har intresse för dagen; viktig, angelägen. aktuelan. Exempel
Här ar alla aktuelan översättning till svenska. aktuell. [aktuEl:] adj.
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